Differentiated Instruction
[CLOs: 2, 4]

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By using a variety of instructional models and strategies, teachers differentiate instruction. Read Chapter 2 in your text and, in a two- to three-page paper, not including title and reference pages, discuss the concept of the differentiation.

Be sure to address the following topics in your paper:

What is differentiation?
What theoretical or research background is there for this instructional method?
How does it work? What will it look like in your own classroom? Give an example of how you could differentiate instruction.
What experiences have you had with this method?
What do you still need to learn about this method? What questions do you have about this method?
What conclusions can you draw about this method?

Please refer to Chapter 2 in your text, other resources, and your experiences to complete this assignment. Cite at least one source in addition to your text. The source does not need to be scholarly. Make sure your paper is in APA format.


Required Resources

Hansen, C.B., Buczynski, S., & Puckett, K.S. (2015). Curriculum and instruction for the 21st century. Bridgepoint Education

Chapter 5: Defining Assessment for Learning
This chapter will help you gain knowledge of, and competence in, both formative and summative assessments by introducing specific classroom strategies to maximize learning for all students.
Chapter 6: Evidence-based Models of Teaching
This chapter explores a variety of teacher-led and student -centered instructional models.

Sfbaytraffic. (2010, Nov 18). Intro to the Socratic seminar (Links to an external site.) [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLBMORyce7k&feature=related

Depicts an Honors English class participating in a Socratic Seminar on Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.
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Supplemental Material

KUD Lesson Planning Template

Recommended Resources

Chorzempa, B.F. & Lapidus, L. (2009). “To find yourself, think for yourself”: Using Socratic discussions in inclusive classrooms. Teaching Exceptional Children, 41(3), 54-59. Retrieved from http://journals.sagepub.com/home/tcx

The full-text version of this article is available through the ProQuest database in the Ashford University Library. This article provides a model and guidelines for using the Socratic method to develop students' critical thinking and writing skills within elementary inclusive classrooms.

Smith, R.S. & Abell, S.K. (2008). Using analogies in elementary science. Science and Children, 46(4), 50-52. Retrieved from http://www.nsta.org/elementaryschool/

The full-text version of this article is available through the ProQuest database in the Ashford University Library. This article examines the idea of using analogies (synectics model) in science classrooms to help students make connections between everyday life and the concepts being taught. Analogies help students form a bridge between their existing knowledge and new knowledge.