Art #2a

 Visual Elements in a 2D Drawing Found in Home or Workplace Worksheet

Please use your textbook to review the definitions of visual elements. Please also write in complete sentences and use APA citation as needed.

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Art #2a
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  1. Insert image of work of art.
    1. Artist’s Name:
    2. Date created (if unknown, put “n.d.” for no date):
  2. Please define line, and describe how it is seen in the drawing. Your response must be at least one paragraph (3-5 sentences) in length.
  3. Please define shape and mass, and describe how it is seen in the drawing. Your response must be at least one paragraph (3-5 sentences) in length.
  4. Please define light, and describe how it is seen in the drawing. Your response must be at      least one paragraph (3-5 sentences) in length.
  5. Please define color and describe how it is seen in the drawing. Your response must be at      least one paragraph (3-5 sentences) in length.
  6. Please define texture and pattern, and describe how it is seen in the drawing. Your response must be at least one paragraph (3-5 sentences) in length.
  7. Please define space, and describe how it is seen in the drawing. Your response must be at      least one paragraph (3-5 sentences) in length.
  8. Please define time and motion, and describe how it is seen in the drawing. Your response must be at least one paragraph (3-5 sentences) in length.