Assignment details: Approach: This section should clearly ex

Assignment details: Approach: This section should clearly explain whether your study will be conducted qualitatively or quantitatively  using what type of contact with participants, including the specific criteria that will make a participant eligible and then how you will recruit these eligible participants (e.g. online, in person, at a specific facility, etc.). Data Collection: This might include the physical location description, the type of instrument (interview, survey questionnaire) you will use to collect relevant data. Be certain to address any obstacles to collecting data, such as patient consent or corporate approvals. Statistical Analysis: Once you have collected the required statistically significant number of responses, you will need to organize and assess the results to determine the conclusions that can be drawn. Methods of analysis may include frequency analysis or chi square test while tools of analysis may include software programs such as SPSS or Excel. Interpretation: Once the data collected has been analyzed, this portion of your proposal should indicate how the anticipated outcomes will be interpreted to answer the research question. It is extremely beneficial to anticipate the range of outcomes from your analysis, and to explain their meaning. For example, the term “majority” is not sufficient, you must include the level of majority that will make this determination significant, such as ± 0.05 or >25 or 57%. Submit your original work on a Microsoft Word document. Estimated length: three-to-five pages.

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