Women’s Empowerment Discussion

Women’s Empowerment Discussion

4 pages report.
There will be one report evaluating the two videos: (1) Community, and (2) Shackled Women. The videos are included as part of the Course Content:
Part 1 of the Report is based on the Community video:

  • Part 1 (2:52) https://online.fiu.edu/videos/?vpvid=e9c4a212-b325-4dc1-82cf-653ad1459f91


  • Part 2 (11:14) https://online.fiu.edu/videos/?vpvid=8d76ade4-7d82-406a-b170-e24a718c5720

Bangladesh men who were opposed to women seeking more power used a variety of tactics to resist change: threats of violence, spreading rumors about the women, religious threats that the women would go to hell, etc.


  1. In the country of Indonesia that you have selected, what are some tactics used to put obstacles in the path of women’s empowerment? How are men overpowering women, in obvious and subtler ways? Cite sources for this information. Then, give suggestions for combating these tactics in your selected country.Women’s Empowerment Discussion
  2. What can or should women do to fight back? Explain your rationale, including why these particular strategies might or might not work in the country in question. Cite all your sources of reference.

(2) Shackled Women Part 2  of the report is based on the Shackled Women video.  Beware that some students may find this video offensive or too crude.
Shackled Women can be accessed as part of Course Resources.

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqsQ4oGfq1A

For your selected country Indonesia, research how the conditions of women have changed since the last U.N. Conference on Women in Beijing. In other words, use the factors discussed in Shackled Women, such as violence against women, to evaluate the conditions of women in your selected country. Cite your sources of reference.

Women’s Empowerment Discussion

Effects of Standardization on Quality Regarding K-12 Education

Effects of Standardization on Quality Regarding K-12 Education

I need a discussion

Blended courses such as this one can be seen in a way as examples of McDonaldization in higher education. In a normal semester, we’d be meeting once a week, having face-to-face interaction, lectures and discussions, and enjoying (or not) the general atmospherics of college life.


Now that the option of any in-person aspect of learning has been suspended due to the coronavirus, in general, what do you think are some of the “pros” and “cons” of online classes?  How do you feel about having classes totally online, rather than meeting weekly for lecture, discussion and general interaction?  Is it good thing, a bad thing, or mainly a compromise?

Regarding K-12 education, what effect do you think standardized tests like the FSA, FCAT etc., have on the quality of education?  How does emphasis on test preparation detract from the overall educational experience?  Do you have any examples from your own experiences in this regard? What effect does emphasis on things like standardization and “accountability” students and their instructors? Effects of Standardization on Quality Regarding K-12 Education

The Federal Reserve System Essay

The Federal Reserve System Essay

The Federal Reserve System (the Fed) has the authority given to it in 1913 to print and maintain the US dollar, monitor and regulate commercial banks, and act as the bank for the United States government. Should the Fed be independent of the executive branch of the government? Or should it be like other departments of the government like the Department of State with its secretary appointed by the president? Please post your point of view in a coherent way summarizing the pros and cons and your personal view on the subject.


To get the full credit, your discussion should be of proper length, 2-3 short paragraphs totaling at least 150 words and make a comment on at least one classmate’s post. You must post your discussion before you can see others’. Please post your discussion by Wednesday 11:59 pm so your friends have time to read and make comments by Friday, 11:58 pm.

I will start grading after the due date and time. The Federal Reserve System Essay

The Harlem Renaissance by Newsela Essay

The Harlem Renaissance by Newsela Essay

Read the Harlem Renaissance by newsela

What is the main idea:

Give 3 detail

Detail 1

Detail 2

Detail 3


R estate the main idea and purpose of the text (why it was written)

Read the Harlem Renaissance by


What is the main idea:

Give 3 detail

Detail 1

Detail 2

Detail 3


R estate the main idea and purpose of the text (why it was written). The Harlem Renaissance by Newsela Essay

English Writing Essay Sample

English Writing Essay Sample

Discuss the following questions and any other insights into this week’s reading that seem important to you. Try to answer no more than one or two questions per post, which helps your peers reply to your post. Make an effort to tackle a question nobody else has answered yet. Try to make connections between Lamott, Foley, and Sommers. 

  1. Analyze the quotations Sommers includes to support her assertion that student writers see revision differently from “experienced” writers. Are the two kinds of writers as far apart as she claims? Is there any overlap? Be specific. English Writing Essay Sample


  2. Discuss the students’ concern about repetition. Have you had a similar experience as a writer? Why does Sommers suggest that this concern is unfounded or misplaced? Do you agree with her? Why or why not?
  3. Discuss Sommers’ claim that students believe that revision is complete when they believe that “they have not violated any of the rules for revising.” To what kind of rules is Sommers referring? Is she suggesting that these rules don’t matter?
  4. What are some of the similarities between Lamott, Foley, and Sommer’s description of the writing process? English Writing Essay Sample

w6 Las dos Fridas Agreement

w6 Las dos Fridas Agreement

Here is a link to a website that provides a biography of the artist in both English and Spanish: http://www.fridakahlofans.com/biobrief.html

Here you can take a virtual tour of Frida’s home, “La casa azul”. https://www.museofridakahlo.org.mx/en/the-blue-house/virtual-tour/

B) This part of the discussion is in English. Please write a minimum of 15 complete sentences. 

From the link above or from your own research about Frida: think about how you would portray two different sides of ‘you’ in a painting.


  1. Post a description in English of what an image of the two YOUs would look like. What do your two sides reveal about you?
  2. How do you identify yourself? (by heritage, beliefs, family, job, etc.)?  Do you have different sides? I think we all do if we think about it.

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w6 Las dos Fridas Agreement

English homework help

Go to American College of Healthcare Executives website and review the “Job Description for Chief Compliance Officer“. After you have reviewed this use the following rubric to discuss your thoughts. Your essay should be 1-2 pages in length and adhere to APA formatting.
