Cultural Sociology

Cultural Sociology


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Cultural Sociology
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you are required to think like a cultural sociologist and explore the relationship between culture, structure and agency. Choose a topic that you are interested in and make an argument about its social and cultural significance, whether it be considered positive or negative in terms of its effects. Possible topics include, but are not limited to museums, social movements, tattoos, sports, fashion or even a genre of music like hip hop, or a genre of film like anime—the choice is yours.


Using the ideas, concepts and theories from the course readings, write a 4-page double-spaced essay that provides a clear argument about how your topic can highlight the relationship between culture, structure and agency. Format your paper like a standard essay with an introduction, body and conclusion: introduce your topic, state your argument, explain the social and cultural significance, analyse its effects and conclude your argument. You must incorporate relevant ideas, concepts and theories as supporting evidence for your argument, referencing a minimum of 6-course readings from weeks 1-6. You will have to cite your sources in-text using ASA style, and provide works cited page also formatted according to ASA style. You can use personal anecdotes to emphasize your arguments or to highlight the connections you are drawing from the readings. You will be assessed based on the relevance of your topic, how well you highlight the relationship between culture, structure and agency, how well you apply, synthesize and communicate ideas, concepts and theories from the course readings, and the strength and coherence of your argument. Cultural Sociology