How do we increase the efficiency of the healthcare system?

How do we increase the efficiency of the healthcare system? How would you as a healthcare executive or policymaker increase the efficiency of the U.S. healthcare system? To answer this question, consider that there are reasons for the current high U.S. healthcare expenditures: The USA does not regulate the price for healthcare services – using, in most cases, a free-market approach to determine prices. The demographics of the U.S. population is skewed towards the elderly and age and cost increase together. The U.S. population as a whole is a nation of people with multiple chronic diseases like HTN and DM and obesity. The consequences of several lifestyle choices contribute to the high cost of chronic care. The U.S. healthcare system does not seem to work as well as other healthcare systems in the world. How are efficiency and effectiveness related? Can you have both?  Make sure to provide credible evidence to support your ideas.

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How do we increase the efficiency of the healthcare system?
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