Leadership style essay

Leadership style essay

Leadership Style-Select and complete four leadership, leadership-related, or personality assessments out of the links provided below. Save the results of your assessments. Also extract 5 or more questions from 1 of more assessments and ask someone that you have led in some situation to answer the questions related to their experience of your leadership style. In a three page essay, describe your leadership style, principles, and foundational skills using the information from your self-exploration with the assessment instruments. Include your plan for leadership mastery. Submit your three-page essay with your assessment results as an attachment within this assignment. Apply the attached Essay Rubric Expected Components to earn every point available for this assignment. Leadership style essay

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Emotional Intelligence test. “EI is the subset of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feeling and emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use this information to guide ones’ thinking and actions (Ledlow, 2014)”: http://www.queendom.com/tests/access_page/index.htm?idRegTest=3978
Left brain Right brain test. left-brain people are more organized and systematic. Right-brain people are more creative and intuitive. So which side of your brain do you wake up on in the morning? Find out with this test: http://www.queendom.com/tests/access_page/index.htm?idRegTest=3181
Jung typology test based on Carl Jung’s and Isabel Briggs Myers’ personality type theory: http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/jtypes2.asp
Type A/B personality type test. The results from our Type A Personality test are intended to reveal whether your tendency is closer to the rushed, continuously stressed-out Type A, or the more laidback Type B Personality: http://psychologytoday.tests.psychtests.com/take_test.php?idRegTest=1330
VARK Questionnaire-how do you learn best? http://vark-learn.com/the-vark-questionnaire/
Enneagram Type Indicator (RHETI). Enneagrams identify the test taker’s natural inclination toward behavior. There are 9 types: Reformer, Helper, Motivator, Romantic, Thinker, Skeptic, Adventurer, Leader, and Peacemaker: http://9types.com/rheti/index.php. Leadership style essay