Summary Paper And Data-Driven Implementation Rubric


Summary Paper and Data-Driven Implementation Rubric

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Summary Paper And Data-Driven Implementation Rubric
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As indicated previously, your Summary Paper and Data-Driven Implementation Rubric assignment is due this week.

Access the Data-Driven Implementation Rubric (Data-Driven Instruction and Assessment) on the CD-ROM. (It is located at the end of the documents on the CD-ROM). – see attached –  &  Spend some time assessing the present state of data-driven instruction and assessment in your school. There may be areas on the rubric to which you cannot respond, but use it to the extent you can to look at the interim assessments in your building that are the key drivers leading to increased student achievement.

Submit the rubric and a  two page summary paper, discussing what your total score and the areas you can project that your school needs to work.