Week 3 Report


Course Project: The ADDIE Model – Development

During the course project, we are assessing how the instructional design model ADDIE—analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation—can be applied to a real-world organizational training need or to a higher education curriculum project. Each week, we are assessing a new step and creating relevant documents for a specific problem of interest. This week’s focus is the development step.

Week 3 Instructions:

This week, you will update the sequencing and strategy choices you made last week (as appropriate to show continual improvement and response to feedback). Then, you will propose pre-instructional strategies for each week/unit and three artifacts for week/unit 1 of your curriculum.

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The Week 3 Course Design Template provides further clarification on what pieces of information you will need to provide. You will also need to provide brief narrative analysis for some of the information you list in the tables. See the template for additional details and guidance. 


Respond to the following to create your learning materials:

  • Using the Week 3 Course Design Template, build on your Week 2 work by copying appropriate tables/information from Week 2 and updating to show development in your thinking since your Week 2assignment.
  • Propose your pre-instructional strategy and content (overviews) for each week/unit.
  • For the first week/unit of your curriculum/training, present at least 3 artifacts, including all relevant text and graphics. If web-based strategies are used, please share the website and any needed access rights.
  • Defend how you consciously leveraged andragogy in your design of the instructional delivery components/artifacts.

To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Submission Details:

  • Submit the course design document. As much material as possible should be embedded in the document. Provide additional material as supplemental attachments.
  • Name your document SU_INS7200_W3_ LastName_FirstIntial.docx.