WU Treatment of Flying Phobia & Thirst for Knowledge Articles Evaluation

WU Treatment of Flying Phobia & Thirst for Knowledge Articles Evaluation



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WU Treatment of Flying Phobia & Thirst for Knowledge Articles Evaluation
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Evaluating Journal Articles – Dissertation Lab

Scholarly and professional credibility are essential attributes that practitioners and scholars should uphold as they engage in research. An indicator of academic credibility is effective choice of sources. As a researcher for your dissertation, it is incumbent upon you to assess your sources, their references, assumptions, procedures, and conclusions reached. You want to have confidence in the studies’ findings and evaluate them for reliability, validity, and objectivity. Are resources properly cited? Are interpretations plausible? Can data and findings be authenticated? Are there clear sources of bias?

In this Discussion, you will compare two articles and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses as trustworthy academic studies.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Read the Bad article: Treatment of Flying Phobia: Comparative Efficacy of Two Behavioral Methods.
  • Read the Good article: Thirst for Knowledge: The Effects of Curiosity and Interest on Memory in Younger and Older Adults.
  • Find 1 or 2 outside resources on ‘analyzing quantitative/qualitative research literature’ to help support your discussion

Post an evaluation of both the “good” and “bad” journal articles provided in the Learning Resources this week. For each article, analyze the elements of the study that made it a good or bad article. Find at least one external resource and use APA 7th