Answer Discussion1 essay paper

Answer Discussion1


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answer this discussion based on this:

· Share additional interview and communication techniques that could be effective with your colleague’s selected patient.Answer Discussion1

· Suggest additional health-related risks that might be considered.

· Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.

References at least 4-5 no more than 5 years ago.Answer Discussion1


The client is a 21-year-old Filipino college student who needed to know what birth control is.

During my interview of this patient, I should be aware of the potential impact that social determinants of health may have on her health and risk assessment. For instance, her age may impact her level of knowledge about birth control options, and her ethnicity may influence her cultural beliefs and attitudes towards contraception. Also, her living situation in a dormitory may impact her access to confidential health care services. Answer Discussion1 Such as the ability to walk to amenities within reasonable distance usually walk of thirty minutes or less, recreational spaces, and access to healthy foods, can influence health related behaviors, as well as a person’s access to quality of healthcare.

While communicating with this patient, it is important to be respectful and sensitive to her cultural beliefs and values. It is vital to provide her with accurate and up to date information about birth control options, and to ensure that she understands the potential risks and benefits of each option.

During the interviewing of this patient, I will use active listening skills and will ask open-ended questions in order Answer Discussion1 to obtain the most accurate and complete information possible. I will also consider the potential impact of social determinants of health on her health and risk assessment, and to document all relevant information in her medical record.

When assessing this patient’s health-related risk, I will consider the potential impact of social determinants of health, such as her age, ethnicity, and living situation. I will also consider her current health status and any potential medical conditions that may impact her risk and to ensure that she understand the potential risks and benefits of Answer Discussion1 her treatment options.

Risk assessment instrument

Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Questionnaire about Contraception and Reproductive Health.

Sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs remain a significant health concern among adolescents and youth, whether they are sexually active or not. Notably, the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Programme of Action (POA) consensus hallmark was increasing access to SRH (Liang et al., 2019). As such, appropriately addressing the client’s concerns would be vital. The Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Questionnaire about Contraception and Reproductive Health is an assessment tool designed to assess an individual reproductive Answer Discussion1 knowledge and attitudes and consists of demographic Performa, structured attitude scale, structured knowledge questionnaire, and opinion on practice and preferences of contraceptive methods. The tool would be helpful in determining the client’s baseline knowledge and attitudes in sexual and reproductive health to tailor education (Sherpa et al., 2018).

Description of the communication techniques

Youth-friendly health services are important in addressing SRH needs. Youth face multiple barriers in accessing SRH services. Among the key strategies for youth-friendly services is ensuring that the services are private and confidential, cost-effective, and refrain from negative provider attitudes (Obiezu-Umeh et al., 2021).

Another communication consideration would be culture; the client is Filipino. According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (2019), cultural competence is considered a high priority for final patient-centered outcomes. Different cultures have different value systems that must be reflected in their care for culturally competent care. Answer Discussion1 For instance, a person from another country may have linguistic barriers; notably, engaging a person whose first language is not English may present communication challenges. Establishing if the client is comfortable engaging in English or using an interpreter would be essential. Still, cultural competence requires cultural sensitivity. Notably, as the practitioner, I should refrain from stereotyping and stigmatizing patients, which results in negative consequences (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2019).

Summary of the interview

Nurse: How are you? I’m the nurse in charge of your case

Client: I’m good

Nurse: What brings you in today?

Client: I want to know about birth control

Nurse: Well, thank you for your inquiry. I know most young people have similar concerns. It is brave of you to seek such information from a health care provider. I will take you through your concerns

Client: Thank you

Nurse: First, I would like to inquire if you are comfortable using the English language

Client: Yes

Nurse: Thank you. Next, I would want to inform your confidentiality right. Notably, everything discussed in this session will be private unless there is enough reason to believe you pose a danger to yourself or others. Then, the information may be passed to relevant authorities to try to mitigate your actions.

Client: Okay

Nurse: I will provide you with one of our sexual and reproductive health assessment tools that will be used to evaluate your current knowledge and attitudes towards sexual and reproductive health. Then will begin a brief education session that best suit your needs.

Client: Okay

Nurse: Fill in this question, and then will proceed. Thank you for being so cooperative

Five targeted questions

1. Do you have a sexual partner now or ever?

2. What is your attitude toward premarital sexual behavior?

3. What kind of contraception do you know?

4. Who should be responsible for contraception?

5. Do you think sex education will lead to more sexual behavior?



Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2019).  Improving cultural competence to reduce health disparities for priority populations. Effective Health Care (EHC) Program.

Liang, M., Simelane, S., Fortuny Fillo, G., Chalasani, S., Weny, K., Salazar Canelos, P., Jenkins, L., Moller, A. B., Chandra-Mouli, V., Say, L., Michielsen, K., Engel, D., & Snow, R. (2019). The State of Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health.  The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine65(6S), S3–S15.

Obiezu-Umeh, C., Nwaozuru, U., Mason, S., Gbaja-Biamila, T., Oladele, D., Ezechi, O., & Iwelunmor, J. (2021). Implementation strategies to enhance youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health services in sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review.  Frontiers in Reproductive Health3

Sherpa, S. Z., Sheilini, M., & Nayak, A. (2018). Knowledge, attitude, practice and preferences of contraceptive methods in udupi district, karnataka.  Journal of family & reproductive health7(3), 115–120.