Entries by Edward Edward

English homework help

Read these articles from Week 1: From Globalism to Globalization: The Politics of Resistance Globalization, Globalism, and Cosmopolitanism as an Educational Ideal Transnationalism and Anti-globalism Read these articles from Week 2: Introduction to Global Issues A Global Ethics for a Globalized World Virtue Ethics and Modern Society Classical Stoicism and the Birth of a Global Ethics: Cosmopolitan […]

Sociology homework help

Learning Resources Required Readings Andrews, D. A., & Hoge, R. D. (1999). The psychology of criminal conduct and principles of effective prevention and rehabilitation. Forum on Corrections Research. Special Edition, 7(1), 12–14. (Reprint of a paper first published in 1995). Retrieved from http://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/research/forum/special/spe_b_e.pdf Psychology of Criminal Conduct and Principles of Effective Prevention and Rehabilitation by Andrews, […]

Government homework help

For this assignment you will write a letter to your local Mayor or Governor. Identify an issue, concern, or compliment in your neighborhood.  (Optional assignment) Review the video professionalism and email writing To: From: Subject: Suggested solution or compliment: Your contact information:

Sociology homework help

Learning Resources Required Readings Morrison, J. (2014). Diagnosis made easier (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Guilford Press. Chapter 11, “Diagnosing Depression and Mania” (pp. 129–166) Classroom Productions. (Producer). (2015). Depressive disorders [Video]. Walden University.  American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Bipolar and related disorders. In Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: Author. doi:10.1176/appi.books.9780890425596.dsm03 Jain, R., Maletic, V., & McIntyre, R. S. (2017). Diagnosing and […]

Information Systems homework help

Write a discussion post on following topic:   Discuss the process that generates the power of AI and discuss the differences between machine learning and deep learning.     Please make your posts substantive. A substantive post will do at least two of the following:   Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic […]

Nursing homework help

REPLY1 According to Rousseau and Gunia (2016), translation science refers to the investigation of methods, interventions, as well as variables affecting its adoption by individuals and organizations in order to create clinical improvement together with improved health decisions. Strategies include testing the effects of interventions on EBP promotion and adoption. Translation studies include describing promoters […]

Nursing homework help

REPLY1 One internal method for disseminating my evidence-based proposal will be the education director of the nursing department. According to Thomas (2018), it is important to understand how the organization values culture and how different cultures will give fruit to results from the evidence-based practices. Approaching the education director will require a proper plan for […]

Nursing homework help

REPLY1 Dissemination process involves circulating information and interventions of a targeted public health audience. The main purpose of dissemination is to promote and increase the extent of EBP knowledge with aim of improving and enhancing patient outcome (Samnani, Vaska, Ahmed & Turin, 2017). There are several internal and external methods of disseminating EBP project results. […]

Nursing homework help

DQ1.  250 WORDS CITATION AND REFERENCES Describe one internal and one external method for the dissemination of your evidence-based change proposal. For example, an internal method may be the hospital board, and an external method may be a professional nursing organization. Discuss why it is important to report your change proposal to both of these […]

Reading homework help

Watch The Whole Gritty City (2013) Full Movie Free Online Streaming | Tubi (tubitv.com) You are to watch the documentary and submit a 1 page summary no later than Wednesday January 6th. The Whole Gritty City