Contraception / IVF essay paper

Contraception / IVF


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biomedical ethics Contraception/ in vitro fertilization

1. Name and explain the levels of human sexual intercourse.

There are three level in human sexual intercourse: physical level, psychological level, and spiritual level. The physical is the union of the couple during sexual intercourse. The psychological level shows that the couple is mature and understand the purpose of the sexual intercourse which include the demonstration of mutual love and the openness to have children. On the spiritual level, the couple is God’s helper in procreating and allowing the survival of the humanity.Contraception / IVF

1. Difference between reproduction and procreation.

Mammal need intercourse for fertilization, but human procreate. Sexual intercourse in other animal is strictly for reproduction. Giving that, reproduction is defined as the production of offspring by sexual or asexual process. Procreation, on the other hand, Is the union of the body and the soul that result in the production of a child by fertilization of the gametes through the marital act.Contraception / IVF

1. Levels of intimacy.

The two known dimensions of intimacy are unitive and procreative dimensions. In the married life, they should be together in the act of intimacy. For the sexual intercourse be truly human not just like the animal, these two dimensions must be done together with God presence. We need the unity of body and the soul to procreate. The two dimensions are inseparable but the natural bonding with unity of the couple must have the desire of the possibility of procreating during the act, if it is the wills of the Creator of life.Contraception / IVF

4) Contraception:

2. What is it?

Contraception is the deliberate use of artificial or other techniques to avoid pregnancy because of sexual intercourse. The couple is intentionally avoiding procreating without serious reason.

2. What is the intention of contraception?Contraception / IVF

The intention of contraception is a situation in which the couple with a mature and honest conscience can determine serious reasons to avoid procreating, such as finances, relocation, emotional instability, medical, many other children, etc.

2. Describe the three types of artificial contraception.

The three types of artificial contraception are mechanical, chemical, and surgical. Mechanical contraception is defined as a barrier used to prevent pregnancy and sometimes sexually transmitted diseases; some examples are male and female condoms, cervical sponges and caps, diaphragms, and intrauterine devices (IUD). On the other hand, chemical contraception is synthetic estrogens and progestins (oral Pill, “minipill”), injectable doses, and subdermal patches. Some might be abortifacient when we have that breakthrough ovulation that can result in fertilization of the released eggs, which can later be lost in the unfavorable environment of the uterus. Surgical contraception can be described as a vasectomy (men), tubal ligation (women), or hysterectomy (women).Contraception / IVF

In theory, some surgical sterilizations are reversible; in practice, much depends on what type of surgery was done, how long ago, and even fiscal considerations.

d. Risks / Side effects

Several risks are associated with contraception, such as blood clots, cancer, high blood pressure, depression, etc. Also, the patient using contraception could experience side effects like nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headaches, vaginal infections, abdominal pain, irregular bleeding or “spotting”, diminished desire for sexual activity, weight gain, increase or decrease in acne, appetite changes, tender breasts, increase or decrease in body hair, vaginal discharge, bone density loss, ectopic pregnancy.Contraception / IVF

e. Bioethical analysis and unfair dynamics of artificial contraception.

As discussed earlier sexual intercourse involves a married couple’s unitive and procreative aspects. The unitive aspect is the human love expression of a couple. The procreative aspect is the desire during the act to have children. If these two aspects are not present during the act, it becomes only for pleasure, no longer a human act. The use of contraceptives removes the desire to have children, making the act a selfish one, where the couple demonstrates a lack of trust in God’s providence. The couple should collaborate with God in human procreation.Contraception / IVF

The Unfair dynamic of artificial contraception lies in the fact that libido differential turns sexual intercourse into entertainment, a burden on the woman, promotes contraceptive mentality in society, and sexually transmitted disease (STD) exposure.

5) Non-Therapeutic sterilization; bioethical analysis

The use of sterilization as a means of contraception goes against God’s created plan of procreation. They make it like a normal process where they mutilate or remove a perfectly functional organ without any medical indication. The true believer should have a profound trust in God’s plan that he will provide for his children as needed. God’s plan and Providence for a married couple are called by the Church “vocation.” Sterilization is allowed only for a therapeutic reasons.

6) Principle of double effect; explain

We should consider two aspects of the actions: the good and the bad. Also, the conditions must be considered.

a) The act to be done must be good or at least morally indifferent, meaning independently of its consequences.

b) The good effect must not be obtained through the evil effect

(Evil is an incidental by-product, not an actual factor in the accomplishment of the good).

c) The evil effect must not be intended for itself but only permitted (evil desire not permitted).

d) There must be a proportionately grave reason for permitting the evil effect.

e) Last resort is when no other action without evil effect is available.Contraception / IVF

All five conditions must be fulfilled. If any one of them is not satisfied, the act is morally wrong.

7) Bioethical analysis of:

a. Ectopic pregnancy

It is the development of a fetus outside of the uterus, mainly in the fallopian tube. In the case of ectopic pregnancy, there are two ethical situations. We have the removal of the fallopian tube with the live unborn (salpingectomy) is considered ethically acceptable. Nevertheless, removing only the live unborn (salpingostomy) is not practically or morally admissible because the life of the unborn is not put into the equation. The life of the embryo is as vital as the mother’s life.

b. Cancerous reproductive system with pregnancy

The therapy with or without hysterectomy would be acceptable after considering the double effect theory to respect the ethical concept.

8) In Vitro Fertilization:

a. ProcessContraception / IVF

In Vitro Fertilization is a medical procedure where the eggs are fertilized outside of the human body. IVF is the procreation without the union of the married couple, as opposed to contraception, which is the union without the desire to procreate.

b. Considerations of the practice.

a) Risk to women due to ovarian hyperstimulation and egg extraction: some young women are even offered a substantial amount of money to donate eggs that infertile women could use.

b) Typical sperm collection by masturbation in a sterile cup that are stored in a sophisticated machine to be used for the fertilization of eggs. This is not the way God intended procreation.

c) Abortions due to failed implantations are explained and sometimes expected during the process, which may affect the parent psychologically when informed. Sometimes the extra fetus implanted is spontaneously aborted during the process, causing the loss of more than one baby.

d) Abortions due to the freezing and thawing of embryos before they usage by the couple or later in life when they can no longer pay for the preservation of that embryo indefinitely.

e) Creating and feeding the problem of ~ 1 million frozen human embryos.

What to do with frozen embryos when parents divorce remains a big dilemma. Some couples fight for the embryo just like they do for their other properties. We forget that it’s a human, not a personal property.

f) Denying the child and the species natural selection, therefore, some genetic defects that nature could have taken care of without emotional issues are in some cases causing deep physical and psychological problems.

g) Selective reduction, where the lab selects the most potent or ideal sperm to use in the process.

9) Bioethical analysis of “to have a child”Contraception / IVF

The church doesn’t support the fact that a couple requests the help of a third-party or manufacturer to assist them in having a child. The desire to have a child should consider two levels, superficial and deeper desire. The child is not an object to have; it should be a gift from God in his plan for humanity to procreate. The ideal situation to have a child is between a married couple, with fertilization resulting from the mutual love in the physical union with the desire to procreate as a plan by God. The fertilization must be done within the human body in the fallopian tube, allowing the strongest sperm by natural selection to fertilize the egg that would result in the well-desired child. Procreation is an extremely complex process that encompasses several aspects such as physical, psychological, social, and spiritual. We all have the right to desire a child but not have a child at any cost. All human life is an act of Divine will.

10) Summary of paragraph 40,41,42,48,52,53

The heterologous fertilization (gamete from another donor beside the spouse) is forbidden by the law of marriage. Homologous artificial fertilization (usage of the gametes of the two spouses joined in marriage) is also prohibited when it separates procreation from the physical union of the couple with their mutual love in the marital act. Surrogating is not permitted because it jeopardized the mother-child relationship, and denigrate the dignity of the women, by the usage of contract and commercialization of the surrogacy. No intervention is licit in case of extrauterine pregnancy. Catholic health institutions may not promote or condone contraceptive practices but should provide, for married couple. The medical staff counsel them on instruction both about the Church’s teaching on responsible parenthood and in methods of natural family planning. Sterilization of men or women is not good under any circumstances in catholic institution. This procedure is acceptable if it allows the cure of a serious pathology.Contraception / IVF

References: BIO 602 CONTRA IVF 2 9 19

Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services, 6th Edition. (2018) U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Washington, DC. Paragraph 40, 41, 42, 48, 52, 53