CONVO5 essay paper



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With so much information available electronically, computer breaches happen all the time, and as a  medical records administrator, this is something you need to always be aware of. CONVO5


Research recent health care privacy breaches to determine what caused the leak or breach, what the penalties were, and how the facility “repaired” the damage to the patients that were impacted. CONVO5


· What is the breach you researched? Describe it and include what caused the leak or breach, what the penalties were, and how the facility repaired the damage to the patients who were impacted. CONVO5

· Have you ever been impacted by any type of breach in which your personal information was exposed? What types of things did you have to do to further protect your information?

· If you have never been impacted by a breach, what impact do you think this type of information leak could have on your daily life? CONVO5