Dis3 essay paper



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Dis3 essay paper
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Student responses to discussion questions must be substantive, that is, thoughtful and analytical. Be organized in your thoughts and ideas. Incorporate correlations with the assigned readings or topics. Stay on topic. Avoid summarizing. Contribute to the learning environment with depth and with the goal of motivating discussion. Scientific discourse is based on evidence. Opinions are just that, but if used in a discussion, they must be informed opinions. You will lose points for expressing unsupported or unsubstantiated opinions. Dis3

Your responses must contribute new information to the discussion. Simple statements of agreement do not add value and will be graded at a minimum level of achievement.

Additionally, do not make insulting or inflammatory statements on the discussion board. Be respectful of others’ ideas. Philosophical differences exist, and we can all agree to disagree in a professional manner. Be patient and read the postings of others thoroughly before posting your responses. Since learning takes place over time, the responses should not be made all at once but spread out in order to allow dialogue to develop. The aim is to encourage interaction among students and faculty, not simply to present information. Dis3

All information gathered from readings, videos, or the internet should be appropriately cited in APA format. A very good reference for APA citations can be found at the following link: Dis3

Purdue University – In-Text Citations: The Basics

The shortage of personal protective equipment was well publicized during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Read the attached academic journal article concerning contributing factors to the shortage.

Original Post Instructions: The authors provide seven recommendations in section #7 of the article.  Choose one of these recommendations and discuss how the recommendation can be successful if implemented.  Include information from other sources as supporting evidence to your discussion.


