G Health P2 essay paper

G Health P2


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G Health P2 essay paper
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Part 1


Globalization processes deeply transform all aspects of society, in ways which can indirectly affect nutrition outcomes. Increased global flows of information (and people) can transform cultural norms, social relations, and consumption patterns (Cuevas García-Dorado et al., 2019). G Health P2


In this Case Assignment, please:

  1. Describe how globalization has impacted human health in the United States.
  2. Discuss the impact of trends such as global travel and medical tourism on health status globally.
  3. Describe a disparity in spending when it comes to health between the population to which you belong and the population you chose in the Module 1 Case Assignment.
  4. Compare and contrast “responsiveness” (quality of treatment and meeting the people’s needs) of health programs and services between these two populations.

Length: 2–3 pages (excluding the cover page and reference list), double-spaced. G Health P2


Part 2


Global Health in the 21st Century

This assignment is designed to familiarize you with some of the global health problems and diseases in your selected population. You will discuss the extent to which the behaviors, culture, or environment of the population affected by the infectious disease you identified in your Module 1 Case Assignment contribute to the disease.

You should use a variety of resources for this assignment. At least two sources must come from peer-reviewed journals.

Building on your research from Module 1 Case Assignment, discuss the following: G Health P2

  1. An overview of the selected population.
  2. A description of the disease (transmission, prevalence, etc.).
  3. A description of potentially relevant cultural factors related to the health issue or disease.
  4. Cultural factors such as language, diet, expectations regarding health care, and the role of traditional healing.
  5. Environmental and social factors such as climate, economy, and politics.

Length: 2–3 pages (excluding the cover page and reference list), double-spaced. G Health P2