Nursing Discussion Reply

Nursing Discussion Reply


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 Reply to both posts using approx. 100-150 words for each, Please use a scholarly sources as reference.



Reply to Thalia


The process of engaged decision-making connected to activities performed in the event of challenging, uncertain, or hazardous conditions is termed as leadership. Management is the purposeful activity of directing individuals through a set of formulated policies and procedures that are scientifically approved to attain the set healthcare outcomes. For example, pain therapy needs an awareness of the fundamental etiology of pain and a collection of therapeutic alternatives that may be deployed to the circumstance at present and may vary from basic to complex activities (Bleich, 2016). By participating to issue detection, accomplishing tasks, and offering input for assessment, followers engage with individuals who are leading or managing. Several structured roles, like a nurse manager or a charge nurse, necessitate an enhanced collection of leadership and management skills to define institutional aims and goals, supervise human resources, facilitate staff with productivity responses, implement change, and solve conflicts in order to achieve client care and institutional specifications. Nursing, unlike other professions, requires nurses to alternate from managing, leading, and following on a regular basis.



Reply to Selena


Nursing is a well-rounded profession. In dealing with roles in nursing they are important for the flow of the flow and hierarchy. The three jobs of leadership, managing, and following all make up different roles. Leadership and management are often viewed as one and the same but that is not the case. Where they differ is leadership is looking forward and thinking of new ways to improve and management makes sure these new policies are being followed. Leadership focuses on “maximizing” effectiveness meaning increasing productivity of the floor (Marquis & Huston, 2017). Management handles in controlling the environment like; salaries, overtime, supplies, etc. (Marquis & Huston, 2017). Those that are followed are the ones carrying out the policies. For example, a leader creates the policy of after exiting a patient’s room to sanitize their hands to decrease the spread of disease. Management’s role is to ensure that this policy is being carried out by those working on the floor and explaining the purpose of the policy. Lastly, those that follow are the ones putting the policy in action and are applying it. They each play a role in creating a cohesive flow. There should always be an open line of communication between all parties so alterations can be made to improve effectiveness even more. In the case of a nurse moving through the positions, it is entirely possible. To better explain picture this; a nurse begins at the follower level (following the policy) and gets promoted to a management position this nurse has a better understanding of how the floor works and what alterations may be necessary to promote a better flow on the floor. If a nurse were to obtain a leadership position, they would be able to be more creative in new policies with an understanding of how a floor works, nursing education, and the thought process when handling patients so that it is both efficient but does not add too much to the already present workload.