Nursing essay paper



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How can conflict in the workplace affect the quality of care for the clients?

  • Conflict among nurses negatively impacts the retention of qualified staff and patient outcomes, and the shortage of nurses due to job dissatisfaction as a result of workplace conflict creates a stressful and unpleasant environment (Almost, Doran, Hall, & Laschinger, 2010).

Describe examples and techniques you have seen during your time as a nurse Nursing


Carol wrote:

Conflict in the workplace negatively affects the quality of care for the clients. Conflict between nurses in the workplace can take away time that should be spent taking care of the patients. I know in my facility it can also cause detrimental effects as well. An example of this would be mental illness. I work in a psychiatric hospital. There have been times that nurses will either be in conflict in the medication room or out in the hallway and not being aware of their surroundings. We have patients who have PTSD. We have patients that are paranoid schizophrenic. This creates issues that affects the patients directly and could cause them to have a mental break or psychotic episode that could have been easily avoided if the conflict was handled professionally behind closed doors. Another example is a conflict in the medication room. This could easily distract a nurse causing a medication error. An example I have witnessed was a nurse having a conflict with a coworker. She did not pay attention to all of her medications and gave the wrong medication to the wrong patient. This was not life threatening but could have been and these things could be avoided.  Nursing



Kimberly wrote:

Conflict in the workplace affects quality of care in many ways. If there is a conflict between nurses they are not willing to help each other out. There is sometimes direct deceitful behaviors that is done to each other like leaving out information in report or not telling a nurse that their patient has called out. I do not handle conflict well but have found that directly talking to the nurse in a private way helps. It can help clarify what the conflict is. Speaking in a private situation removes the influence of others or the need to keep up appearances. I personally work on a labor and delivery unit. We regularly have emergencies and need to help each other and watch each others patients. I personally have had a conflict with another nurse and one day after yelling at each other, we stepped aside into a private room and apologized and discussed what the main problem was. It was a difficult conversation that required a lot of maturity and humility but now we have a good relationship and help each other.  Nursing



  1. How do you define quality of care?
  2. What factors can you control, as a manager, for your staff to provide high-quality care (which factors are internal and which are external)?
  3. If an organization is deciding between several quality management programs which would you recommend and why?


Allison wrote:

I define quality care as how effective, compassionate and safely care is provided to the patients. To provide quality care, you must always have the patients best interest.

As a manager an internal factor that you can control is have set expectations from individuals and make sure resources are available and easy to access. Resources include stocked supplies, adequate staffing and  individual or staff meetings to discuss what the staff needs or how to make the unit better. For external factors, I think the most important is making sure that all technology is working.

I would recommend the Six Sigma because it prevents taking unnecessary steps when providing the best care. They are focused on decreasing hospital stays, improved quality care and the work environment.  Nursing


Melissa wrote:

  1. How do you define quality of care?

Quality of care to me is the care I provide to my patient that meets the TXBON standards at maximum. Standards based off of evidence based practice that provide high quality health care.

  1. What factors can you control, as a manager, for your staff to provide high-quality care (which factors are internal and which are external)?

Internal factors you can control is work culture, management, work structure, and work efficacy. External factors would be on-the-job training, rules, and regulations, and set standards.

  1. If an organization is deciding between several quality management programs which would you recommend and why?

Quality management programs I’m familiar with would be evidence-based practices as set by the TXBON. These would be best and recommended as they have been set in place for years and proven to be practices that have been applied, researched, and proven to be effective in providing high-quality care.