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Project Interventions


Evidence-based data for the proposed interventions

The evidence-based data to support the proposed intervention are based on peer-reviewed articles and experimental research. The information collected helps in the quantification of the IF’s potential to assist in the improvement of insulin sensitivity and reducing the fastingPowerpoint insulin levels. The research makes it easier to identify the impact of the treatment on the outcomes by causing a decrease in the influence of the confounding factors. The research findings also make it possible to determine individuals’ ability to take full control of their health and make some positive changes (Vitale & Kim, 2020). These are essential factors that play an important role in implementing intermittent fasting (IF) for successfully managing glucose levels in individuals diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.Powerpoint

Factors that can Influence the Use of the Proposed Interventions

Various factors can affect the implementation of the IF to help in the successful management of glucose. Patients themselves influence the first factors, which include the patients’ insulin resistance, failure to adhere to healthy behaviors like poor dieting and scheduled eating and fasting windows, and the participant’s iPowerpointnactive lifestyle. Another factor is the commitment from the stakeholders in the implementation process (Vitale & Kim, 2020). The commitment from healthcare providers and patients or participants impacts the use of the proposed intervention.


Barriers Associated with the Proposed Interventions

Various factors act as a roadblock to successfully implementing the proposed interventions. The first barrier is the lack of support from the primary care providers. These providers might resist changes, thus making it hard to achieve the objective. The other barrier is the lack of support from the management, especially concerning the provision of the required resources (Purvis, 2018). The pPowerpointatient’s resistance to the proposed new treatment interventions is the other challenge.

Resources Required

The first resource is the glucometer that will be used to measure fasting blood sugar. The other resource is the notebook, where the data collected will be recorded to monitor the patients’ progress in blood glucose control. A clock or a watch will also be required to guide the patients and providers on the specific time that food should be taken (Vitale & Kim, 2020). Other resources include drinking water, tea, coffee, and other non-caloric beverages.

Sequence of the events and activities to be implemented

The first step is the collection of the baseline data, i.e., the records of the blood sugar readings before implementing the IF. The collected data will guide on whether there isPowerpoint an improvement or positive changes made by the proposed intervention. The next step is to inform the patients and providers about the proposed intervention of the IF and how it is likely to improve blood sugar management. The providers are also informed about each role in the implementation process. This procedure is crucial since it aims to reduce the resistance level. The next step is the implementation process that involves fasting, whereby patients have fasting time and eating window. For a start, they can start with 12 hours fast, have a 12-hour eating window, and then build up to a 16:8 schedule. From there, patients then transition to a smaller eating window. During the implementation, the fasting blood sugar readings are taken and comparePowerpointd to the previous reading before implementation to determine whether there is a positive change or improvement.

Monitoring, Tracking, and Ongoing

The implementation process involves the relevant stakeholders, especially healthcare providers, who will guide the implementation procedure. The providers such as nutritionists, endocrinologists, physicians, and nurses will ensure that there is an adherence to the procedure. The adjustment can be made through changes in the diet and timing to ensure that the procedure heads in the right direction. Patients will be monitored on the type of meals they take rather than avoid the fasting process (Vitale & Kim, 2020). During this time, onlyPowerpoint the recommended diet are taken by the patients.

Performance of Tasks for the Implementation

Patients with type 2 diabetes will be subjected to IF to determine whether there is an improvement in their glucose levels. Positive outcomes show better quality of life. Nutritionists such as Ivy Kristie help develop the fasting routine and identify suitable meals for the patient. Sue Bell, the Endocrinologist, helps with examining the effect of IF on type 2 diabetes and deducing the positive and negative effects of the intervention. Jason McCallister, a physician, helped review how the intervention impacts type 2 diabetes of the patient and other issues. Daisy Blue, a nurse, assists with the implementation process by incorporating the inputs of other stakeholders to attain the desirable outcomes.Powerpoint

Strategies facilitating the Implementation of the Proposed

It is crucial to inform the stakeholders to avoid high resistance. Collaboration is necessary to ensure that each procedure or step is implemented effectively. It is crucial to gain support from the primary care providers by sharing the findings with them (Kirchner et al., 2020). Patients must understand the importance of the IF intervention in managing their type 2 diabetes condition.


The implementation process is expected to take around three months. This time is adequate to help confirm the effectiveness of the proposed intervention of IF in managing the blood sugar level of patients.
Anticipated Outcomes

The expected outcome from the proposed intervention of the IF is attaining normal and healthy blood glucose levels. Consequently, there will be a low rate of systematic inflammation, improvement in the sensitivity to insulin, improved cholesterol levels, and reduction or successful maintenance of average healthy weight.

Kirchner, J. E., Smith, J. L., Powell, B. J., Waltz, T. J., & Proctor, E. K. (2020). Getting a clinical innovation into practice: an introduction to implementation strategies. Psychiatry Research, 283, 112467.
Purvis, R. L. (2018). What’s in it for me? Using expectancy theory and climate to explain stakeholder participation, its direction and intensity. International Journal of Project Management, 33(1), 3-14.
Vitale, R., & Kim, Y. (2020). The effects of intermittent fasting on glycemic control and body composition in adults with obesity and type 2 diabetes: a systematic review. Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders, 18(10), 450-461.
