Psychiatric Nurse essay paper

Psychiatric Nurse


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Pediatric Nurses

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Pediatric nursing involves the provision of health care services to children and their families. Pediatric nursing is patient and family-centered. Pediatric nurses offer specialized care to the children while working with family members in addressing their concerns, issues, and fears. Pediatric nurses are good essential in dealing with children as they know how to deal with children’s health care needs by gathering accurate information that helps in diagnosis and treatment. Pediatric nurses also spend a lot of time educating parents and caregivers about children and protecting their health. Pediatric nursing requires a bachelor of science in nursing degree or an associate degree in nursing. Licensing is a requirement obtained by passing a pediatric nurse certification examination. Pediatric nursing focuses on utilization of patient and family-centered care while striving to prevent illness and health restoration. Various professional organizations and journals are available for pediatric nurses to help in professional and educational development.Psychiatric Nurse










Pediatric nurses are nurses whose specialty is providing health and medical care to children from infancy to their teen age and families. Pediatric nurses complete training in pediatrics and work collaboratively with health care providers, sharing their knowledge and commitment to children’s health needs (Pediatric nurse, 2019).  Besides, the pediatric nurses offer specialized care to the children while working with family members in addressing their concerns, issues, and fears (ANA,2015). Besides, the pediatric nurses are involved in community health affairs and perform physical examinations, immunizations, and routine developmental health screening. Pediatric nursing is exceptional as it offers opportunities for playing a significant role in children’s lives.

Educational Requirements

The educational requirements for a pediatric nurse include certification as a registered nurse. The initial step is earning a bachelor of science in nursing degree. One can also qualify by taking an associate degree in nursing. Licensing is also a requirement obtained by passing a pediatric nurse certification examination (Pediatric nurse education requirements and career information, 2019). Besides, pediatric nurses must be knowledgeable about growth and development. The bachelor’s degree in nursing includes additional education in critical thinking, physical and social sciences essential for a pediatric nurse.Psychiatric Nurse

Scope of Practice

Pediatric nursing focuses on promoting, protecting, and optimizing children’s health and abilities from infancy to teenage. Besides, pediatric nursing focuses on using patient and family-centered care while striving to prevent illness and injury and health restoration and comfort in health conditions (ANA,2015).  Pediatric nurses offer health care services based on diagnosis, treatment, and managing the children’s needs while advocating for the children and their families’ care.

Publications and Organizations

Pediatric nursing organizations for pediatric nurses are essential for the continuous educational and professional development of the nurses. Besides, pediatric nurses have a voice for addressing their needs and policies based on organizations. Various professional organizations for pediatric nurses exist, including the Society of Pediatric Nurses, the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, and the Association of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology nurses (Pediatrics: Professional associations, 2020). Similarly, publications for pediatric nurses include the Journal of Pediatric Nursing. The journals and professional organizations are essential for the professional and educational development of pediatric nurses.Psychiatric Nurse


Pediatric nursing involves the provision of health care services to children and their families. Pediatric nursing is not only centered on the well-being of children but includes their families. The decision for the nursing role is based on the desire to care for children. Besides, pediatric nursing is impressive because of the diversity in the settings one can work in, including pediatric clinics, and children’s hospitals. Pediatric nursing requires commitment and high responsibility as the children and their families are dependent on the nurse for better decisions concerning the children’s health.




ANA. (2015). Pediatric Nursing: Scope and standards of practice (2nd ed.). American Nursing Association.

Pediatric nurse. (2019). Retrieved from

Pediatric nurse education requirements and career information. (2019, December 11). Retrieved from

Pediatrics: Professional associations. (2020, June 27). Retrieved from