Week 2

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Signature Assignment: Assessment Organizer and Case Study [due Mon]
Assignment Content
Assessment plays a vital role in instructional planning and teacher effectiveness. This assignment will give you the opportunity to exhibit your knowledge of a variety of reading assessments and how you would adapt them to fairly assess diverse learners. You will also showcase your knowledge of intervention strategies for a struggling reader case study.

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Complete Parts 1 and 2 below.

Part 1 – Overview of Assessment Graphic Organizer
Research the following types of reading assessments:

Informal classroom assessments used for planning, monitoring, evaluating, and reflecting purposes (refer to Ch. 3 of your textbook)
Diagnostic tests
High-stakes tests
Portfolio assessments
Screening tools (for grades K–3)
Create a graphic organizer that allows the reader to easily compare characteristics, purpose/uses, and strengths and weaknesses of the 5 assessment categories listed above.

Include an explanation of the following:

How assessment can be used to drive instruction
How you might adapt one of the assessments for the following groups of diverse learners: students with learning disabilities, English learners, and gifted students
Part 2 – Case Study
Read Case Studies of Struggling Readers.

Select 1 case study on which to focus and complete the Intervention Worksheet for that case study.