Discussion essay paper



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Discussion: Unit 6, Due Wednesday by 11:59 pm CT

Social Media and Your Brand Discussion


In the 21st century, there are few people who do not have an established social media presence.  This is part of your brand. Establishing a brand that is attractive to potential employers is a crucial step in the job search process. Your presence on social media accounts can help or hurt your job search. Discussion


Consider your presence on social media, whether personal or professional.

Describe one element of your social media presence that you can use to support the brand you want your potential employers to see. How does this element demonstrate the elements of P.R.I.C.E or some soft skills? Support your response with at least one external resource. Discussion

Describe one element of your social media presence that could negatively affect the impression potential employers have of you (your brand). How does this element impair your goal to present yourself as a professional?

Describe two tasks you can perform to strengthen and/or improve your brand using social media. Support your response with at least one external resource. Discussion

For each task, describe how completing it would help you in your job search activities.

For each task, discuss any barriers you might anticipate while completing it. Discussion

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format. Discussion