Early Learning Standards to Plan Curriculum Experiences

Early Learning Standards to Plan Curriculum Experiences

Why is it important to use early learning standards to plan curriculum experiences?

Unit 7: Activity Plans: 

· 2 activity plans are required from 2 different curricular areas

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Early Learning Standards to Plan Curriculum Experiences
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· 1 activity plan must promote diversity

· 1 activity plan must incorporate technology in the classroom

· Each activity plan must address one unique disability category. Explain the modifications/adaptations you will make to support children with the identified need.  Early Learning Standards to Plan Curriculum Experiences

Please see here for a full list of disabilities: https://www.understood.org/articles/en/conditions-covered-under-idea



Activity Plan  #1
Curricular Area
Large group/Small group or center
Name of Activity
Location of Activity
Early Learning Standard (one minimum)
Does this activity plan support diversity of children or incorporate technology? Demonstrate how.
State disability category. Demonstrate how you will support children diagnosed with this disability. What accommodations/ modifications are necessary?
Assistive Technology: Explain the technology. How will this help children? How will it be used in the early childhood setting?
Assessment: Create and share an assessment tool tied to objective/ standard. Unit 2 provides tools and samples.   Please submit as attached document or include at the end of the template.
Activity Plan  #2
Curricular Area
Large group/Small group or center
Name of Activity
Early Learning Standard (one minimum)
Does this activity support diversity of children or incorporate technology? Demonstrate how.
State Disability Category. Demonstrate how you will support children diagnosed with this disability. What accommodations/ modifications are necessary?
Assistive Technology: Explain the technology. How will this help children? How will it be used in the early childhood setting?
Assessment: Create and share an assessment tool tied to objective/ standard. Unit 2 provides tools and samples.  Early Learning Standards to Plan Curriculum Experiences   Please submit as attached document or include at the end of the template.
U7 Newsletter Please submit as attached document or include at the end of the template.

Overall Thematic Reflection: 

Answer the following questions with 3-4 sentences per bullet minimally:

· Why is it important to use early learning standards to plan curriculum experiences?

· Are the activities developmentally and culturally appropriate based on chronological age, individual abilities and needs, and diversity of families?

· How did you determine appropriate activities for preschool or kindergarten children?

· Does your theme unit effectively address multiculturalism? If so, how?  If not, how could it be improved?

· How well does your thematic unit provide opportunities for children’s active exploration and learning? Explain how it could be improved.

· If you had implemented this thematic unit, how would you have utilized observation and assessment to determine mastery of your standards listed in your theme?  How and when would you share this information with families?

· What have you learned about the importance and value of engaging families and communities in young children’s learning experiences?  Early Learning Standards to Plan Curriculum Experiences