Effective time Management Skills

Effective time Management Skills

Week 2 Discussion
As you’ve learned this week, having effective time management skills is one of the foundations of being successful in education and beyond. How you budget your time determines the amount of effort you will spend on each activity.
One of the best tools you can use to plan your time on the front end of a class is your syllabus. You will find that a syllabus for most classes will outline the assignments, how much the assignments will be worth, and when those assignments will be due. By knowing this information up-front, you can plan how much time you will need to spend on each part of the course. Effective time Management Skills

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In this discussion, answer the following questions:
1.) Have you ever used a class syllabus to plan out your assignments ahead of time, and to familiarize yourself with what assignments you will be responsible for?
2.) If so, how do you use this to plan out your homework for the week?
3.) If not, what other tools have you used to help you plan out your assignment due dates in advance?
Your original post should be at least 75 – 150 words in 1-2 paragraphs. Also, your response should be 50 words or more.
REMEMBER: The original post is due by Wednesday. You have until Sunday to do your response posts.