Ensuring the integrity of human dignity in the care of all patients

Ensuring the integrity of human dignity in the care of all patients

Human dignity is the inherent characteristics and supreme values possessed by all human beings in virtue of their humanity. It is simply the acknowledgement that human beings have a unique value intrinsic to their humanity and should be respected because they are human beings. Human dignity manifests through show of respect for self and for others (Kadivar, Mardani-Hamooleh, & Kouhnavard, 2018). It is influenced by how other people treats an individuals. Human dignity can also be influenced by other factors including attitudes, level of independence, perceived control and symptom management among nurses towards people.

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Observing human dignity and respect for life is part of the nursing profession ethics that nurses should observe without focusing on the gender, race, culture, age, social status, economic status or nationality of patients (Sabeghi, Nasiri, Zarei, Tabar, & Golbaf, 2017). Nurses should always preserve and respect human dignity by treating patients with humanity, respecting all patients, treating patients with compassion and justice and involving patients in their care by giving them a chance to make decisions regarding their care. Nurses should uphold and preserve the integrity of human dignity when providing care to patients (Schmidt & Brown, 2017). They should ensure privacy and confidentiality of their records and treatment without considering factors such as age, gender, race, nationality, ethnicity and socioeconomic status. Ensuring the integrity of human dignity in the care of all patients


Kadivar, M., Mardani-Hamooleh, M., & Kouhnavard, M. (2018). Concept analysis of human dignity in patient care: Rodgers’ evolutionary approach. Journal of medical ethics and history of medicine, 11. Sabeghi, H., Nasiri, A., Zarei, M., Tabar, A. K., & Golbaf, D. (2017). Respecting for human dignity in elders caring in perspective of nurses and elderly patients. Medical Ethics Journal, 9(32), 45-70. Schmidt, N. A., & Brown, J. M. (2017). Evidence-based practice for nurses: Appraisal and application of research. Jones & Bartlett Learning. Interprofessional collaboration Interprofessional collaboration takes place when diverse healthcare providers from various professional background and specialties work together with the patients, their families, their caregivers as well as communities to deliver quality care. It is the collective involvement of various healthcare workers works with patients, caregivers, families and communities to share their perspectives concerning delivering highest quality of care (Reeves et. al., 2017). Interprofessional collaboration helps healthcare professionals to achieve better patient outcomes and optimal health status of patients and communities. Healthcare providers such as nurses, physicians and others should collaborate across all professions to provide highest quality care and improved patient outcomes. This involves working with all people irrespective of their expertise or professional level to improve the overall health outcomes. All healthcare professionals should keep aside all their differences and work together with a common goal for interprofessional collaboration to work well in the healthcare setting.


They should also improve their communication and develop good working relationships to ensure that interprofessional collaboration works well with minimal or no setbacks (Reeves et. al., 2017). When healthcare professionals use interprofessional collaboration, they can work together to prevent medication errors, deliver better patient outcomes, improve patient experience and reduce healthcare costs. Interprofessional collaboration also enable healthcare facilities to eliminate workflow redundancies and achieve operational efficiencies. References Grove, S. K., & Gray, J. R. (2018). Understanding Nursing Research: Building an Evidence-Based Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences. Reeves, S., Pelone, F., Harrison, R., Goldman, J., & Zwarenstein, M. (2017). Interprofessional collaboration to improve professional practice and healthcare outcomes. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (6). Ensuring the integrity of human dignity in the care of all patients

Ethical considerations in health care

Ethical values are essential for any healthcare provider. They are universal codes of conduct and rules that provides a practical framework for identifying the types of motives, actions and intentions values in the healthcare setting. The ethical values spell out the moral principles that governs how an individual conduct themselves any time (Chadwick & Gallagher, 2016). Ethical considerations also cover the rights or wrongs, dos and don’ts and the decision-making process of determining the consequences of the actions. Every person has their set of moral and ethical principles (Blais, Hayes, Kozier, & Erb, 2016). Ethical values in the healthcare settings are essential because every healthcare provider must face ethical healthcare dilemmas and make good decisions and judgments regarding various healthcare issues while maintaining these values.

To practice effectively with competence and integrity, nurses and other healthcare professionals must have their own ethical values and follow healthcare-based ethical principles to guide them in their practice (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, 2017). Healthcare is guided by four major ethical values alongside other expected ethical principles such as honesty, integrity, empathy, compassion, confidentiality etc. These ethical values in nursing include autonomy, justice, beneficence and non-maleficence. Autonomy gives patients the right to make their decisions based on their values and beliefs. Beneficence gives healthcare professionals a duty to minimize harm, refrain from maltreatment and promote safety and good towards patients (Chadwick & Gallagher, 2016). Justice is the right for patients to be treated fairly and equally by healthcare professionals. Lastly, non-maleficence is the patients’ right to no harm during treatment. Nurses and all healthcare providers have a unique responsibility to themselves, their profession and to patients to maintain ethical values.


Blais, K., Hayes, J. S., Kozier, B., & Erb, G. L. (2016). Professional nursing practice: Concepts and perspectives. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Chadwick, R., & Gallagher, A. (2016). Ethics and nursing practice. Macmillan International Higher Education. LoBiondo-Wood, G., & Haber, J. (2017). Nursing research: methods and critical appraisal for evidence-based practice. Elsevier Health Sciences. Ensuring the integrity of human dignity in the care of all patients

Health care delivery and clinical systems

A healthcare delivery system involves people, institutions and resources aimed at delivering quality healthcare services to meet the health needs of a given population. A healthcare delivery system enables patients and population to receive healthcare services. It also aims at delivering cost-effective and safe health services that meet the quality standards (Kuziemsky, Abbas, & Carroll, 2018). The adoption of healthcare delivery systems based on patient-centered care is crucial in the clinical settings. It brings respect for nurses and healthcare providers. Healthcare delivery system is classified into individual patient, health team, patients’ family members and health institutions including nursing homes, clinics, and hospitals (Grove & Gray, 2018). Clinical systems refer to information systems put in place for use in healthcare settings.

Nurses are essential components in the healthcare delivery systems. They provide the best and high-quality health services to patients during nursing practice. Nurses are including in all health plan levels. They are also in all operating units to promote development, foster direction and guide the implementation of patient-centered programs (Grove & Gray, 2018). Nurses use clinical systems to manage patient care in the best way possible in critical care settings. The clinical systems enable nurses and other providers to connect to other departments such as radiology, lab, and pathology and so on for easier access to patient records and for accurate and complete patient care. Ensuring the integrity of human dignity in the care of all patients


Grove, S. K., & Gray, J. R. (2018). Understanding Nursing Research: Building an Evidence-Based Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences. Kuziemsky, C., Abbas, R. M., & Carroll, N. (2018). Toward a Connected Health Delivery Framework. 2018 IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Software Engineering in Healthcare Systems (SEHS), 46-49 Ensuring the integrity of human dignity in the care of all patients