Collaborate with your team, using Cisco Spark, email, phone meetings, or any collaboration tool you find useful or prefer. In your collaboration, consider the ethical dilemmas below and select 1 in which to conduct a deep drill.

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Ethical Dilemma 1: A newspaper columnist signs a contract with a newspaper chain. Several months later, she is offered a position with another newspaper chain, offering a higher salary. Because she would prefer making more money, she notifies the first chain that she is breaking her contract. The courts will decide the legality of her action, but what of the morality? Did the columnist behave ethically? ETHICAL DILEMMA ANALYSIS

Ethical Dilemma 2: An airline pilot receives his regular medical checkup. The doctor discovers that he has developed a heart murmur. The pilot only has a month to go before he is eligible for retirement. The doctor knows this and wonders whether, under these unusual circumstances, she is justified in withholding information from the company regarding the pilot’s condition.

Ethical Dilemma 3: An office worker has had a record of frequent absence. He has used all his vacation and sick-leave days, and has frequently requested additional leave without pay. His supervisor and co-workers have expressed great frustration because his absenteeism has caused bottlenecks in paperwork, created low morale in the office, and required others to do his work in addition to their own. However, the individual believes he is entitled to take his earned time and additional time off without pay. Is he right? ETHICAL DILEMMA ANALYSIS


Ethical Dilemma 4: Rhonda enjoys socializing with fellow employees at work, but their discussions usually consist of gossiping about other people, including several of her friends. At first, Rhonda feels uncomfortable talking in this way about people she is close to; but then she decides it does no real harm, and she feels no remorse for joining in.

In conjunction with the readings, and within your teams, decide which ethical dilemma you believe is most problematic and why. In your teams, discuss the ideas of “good vs. evil,” “wrong vs. right,” and “ought/should be vs. what is.” Form the readings, discuss the ways in which Augustine and Aquinas would have solved the problem based on lecture and course reading material. In what ways do Augustine and Aquinas differ and why? ETHICAL DILEMMA ANALYSIS

You may wish to meet throughout the week to share ideas. Create a report of your findings as individuals and as a team. The report should be approximately 2 pages accompanied by a 2-minute oral presentation, using VoiceThread or a PowerPoint narrated slide show.


Ethical Dilemma Analysis Ethical Dilemma Analysis Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Purpose view longer description Full Marks 20.0 pts No Marks 0.0 pts 20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Support/Development view longer description Full Marks 30.0 pts No Marks0.0 pts 30.0 pts ETHICAL DILEMMA ANALYSIS
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Grammar, Mechanics, Style view longer description Full Marks25.0 pts No Marks0.0 pts 25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Slides Full Marks15.0 pts No Marks0.0 pts15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Oral Narration view longer description

  • Identify​ the Ethical Issue and Decision-making Process:
    • Engage in reflective practice and consider your “gut reaction” to the situation: What preconceptions and judgements might you bring to the situation? What are your loyalties and intuitions? Where do these come from? ETHICAL DILEMMA ANALYSIS
    • State the conflict or dilemma as you currently see it: Try to articulate the issue in one sentence. If you can’t, it may be better to break the problem down into two questions or issues and tackle them one at a time. Example of ethics question: “Given (state uncertainty or conflict about values), what decisions or actions are ethically justifiable?”
    • Determine best process for decision-making: How urgent is the situation? How can stakeholders best be engaged? Who ultimately has decision-making authority? Stakeholders deserve to know and understand how and why a decision that affects them was made. It is important to remember that transparency is not just about the transmission of information; it is also about keeping people engaged constructively in the process. In the rare cases where confidentiality is ethically necessary, the process should still be made as transparent as possible while identifying the confidentiality constraints explicitly ETHICAL DILEMMA ANALYSIS