MGMT 3400: Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

MGMT 3400: Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility


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MGMT 3400: Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
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MGMT 3400: Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

Homework Assignment #3



Please type up your answers and post your assignment into the Assignment #3 Dropbox. Please use single-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font. Please keep it to more than one page and less than four pages. The more detailed and insightful your takeaways, the better your grade.


  1. Watch the following videos, which are located in Videos: Assignment #3 within the Content section. What are the main takeaways? Is any of this information relevant to how it is difficult to enforce standards of ethics due to individual differences, and, if so, in what way(s)?




  • The Asch Experiment (5:48 minutes)


  • Elevator Group Think (2:31 minutes)


  • WYFFT: Would You Fall For That – Elevator (6:30 minutes)


  • Stanford Prison Experiment (29:00 minutes)


  • ABC’s Milgram Experiment Remake (27:10 minutes)


  • Original Milgram Experiment Clip (11:46 minutes)


  • Bystander Effect (7:04 minutes)


  1. Are we really independent thinkers who make up our own minds or are we very influenced by people, institutions, rules, authority, and so forth beyond our own comprehension? Why do you think people are susceptible to social pressure? Why do people feel very comfortable obeying authority figures? How do social norms shape your thinking?

MGMT 3400: Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility