Motivational Theory

Motivational Theory

Discuss three different motivational theories and compare and contrast them. What are the benefits and drawbacks to each one? Which motivational theory do you think is the best for enabling internal motivation and why? Reflect on your experience. Avoid using quotes from the articles
Explain the concepts in your own words and use proper citations and references. Use personal voice e.g. I agree, I feel, I believe, etc. This paper should have at least 3 references and include one journal article.Motivational Theory

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Motivational Theory
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Writing style and format requirements: Writing should be proofread and free of spelling or mechanical errors. All papers should be in Times New Roman, 12. APA 6th edition should be applied for referencing format. Purdue OWL site has a good guide on how to use APA style. See:

Critical analysis:
Students should show their ability to compare and contrast at least three theories and show how to apply them with real-life examples. Clear persuasive development of argument should show logical connection between the thoughts and examples.The sources that you researched should discuss motivational theories.


In depth analysis of the sources should show your ability to compare and contrast the theories, analyze implications of using different leadership approaches and apply the concepts on motivation to the real-life examples. Support your ideas with relevant outside references (at least 2 sources + 1 journal article). Show your critical thinking and use your personal voice. Make sure not to plagiarize. Plagiarism will result in a grade 0.

A (20-18)Student displayed a very high level of critical self-reflection and analysis, provided thorough explanations and examples of positive learning. The student displayed an ability to discuss substantial range of key ideas from the discussed sources and demonstrated his or her in-depthunderstanding of how this new learning can advance his or her development. Arguments are formed in a persuasive manner and show some original and creative ideas related to the assignment question. Motivational Theory
B (17- 16)Student displayed a good level of critical reflection providing relevant examples to the key ideas learned from the sources and using proper referencing with relevant current sources. The development of argument is clear and concise and shows the student ability to apply the discussed concepts.
C (15-14)Student engages in sound critical self-reflection relevant to the topic but some ideas could be explained more logically and show more particular insight gained from the discussed concepts. Some analysis may lack clarity or support with references and relevant research. Writing can be descriptive and should contain more critical discussion with theoretical concepts and examples.
D (13- 12)Student’s discussion was lacking critical approach and support with examples and references. Development of argument is not clear and doesn’t display clear understanding of the key ideas from the discussed concepts. Student uses an excessive amount of quotes.

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