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Question 1

Consider the following hypothetical situation: The demand for nursing services is increasing, but the availability of registered nurses will not meet the demand. The student nurses association chapter has formed a recruitment committee to address this issue and answer the following the questions: Why are students not considering nursing as a career? Why are students considering nursing as a career? How many registered nurses will be needed in the future? Why do many nursing programs have waiting lists to enter the program? Plan a collective action project that can be implemented by the student nurses association to increase interest in the nursing profession.


Question 2

What are factors that influence an individual’s personal health behaviors? Make a list of your health behaviors, including those that promote health and those that diminish health. Analyze why you continue both the healthy and the nonhealthy behaviors. Identify population-based initiatives that could influence you to make more health-generated choices.


Question 3

Explain why theory development is important to the profession of nursing.


Question 4

Why is nursing called an applied science? Explain why you agree or disagree with this description.


Question 5

List and discuss each step of the research process.


Question 6

Describe economic issues that will affect nurses of the future. How can you begin now to prepare yourself to deal with these issues?


Question 7

As the number of elderly Americans rises, the rate of chronic illness also rises. What challenges does this present for nurses of the future?


Question 8

Look through your local Yellow Pages under “Social Services” and “Organizations.” What types of social support do you find that might be useful to patients? Compare these with the online choices. Which type of support – face-to-face or online – is more appealing to you? Why?


Question 9

Consider the following hypothetical situation: You read in a local newspaper that students at your university have a high rate of drug and alcohol use. The following week, a story appears about a senior university student who died following a car crash. The student was driving under the influence of alcohol. How can nursing students address the need for education about drug and alcohol use? What collective action can you initiate to address this or another issue of importance at your college or university community?


Question 10

Explain why nonverbal communication may be more revealing than verbal communication.


Question 11

Which of the theoretical works seem the most useful to help you organize your thoughts for critical thinking and decision making in nursing practice?


Question 12

Name and describe the two types of reasoning used in the scientific method. Explain why neither alone is adequate to advance knowledge.


Question 13

Would it be easy or hard to allow yourself to be bathed and have other intimate needs met by nurses of the same gender? Of the opposite gender? Of your cultural group? Of a different cultural group? Identify the reasons for your comfort or discomfort.


Question 14

If possible, identify your own cultural group’s response to illness. What are your family’s characteristic responses to illness of a member?


Question 15

Should there be rationing of extremely expensive procedures, such as heart transplants, even if the patient is able to pay? Give a rationale for your answer.


Question 16

Name two of your health-related values. How did these become your values? Describe how you expect these values to influence your nursing practice.


Question 17

Explain what is meant by the term “therapeutic use of self.”


Question 18

Consider the following hypothetical situation: Students at your school must struggle to pay tuition. Many students work part-time while attending school full-time. They have taken out student loans and have applied for scholarships to help pay for tuition, books, and other school-related expenses. A faculty member announces in class that the Nurse Reinvestment Act is going before Congress for funding authorization. What collective action can the student nurses association take to ask Congress to increase funding for undergraduate nursing education and for student loan repayment programs?


Question 19

If you or someone close to you has been hospitalized, how did the nurses and family members encourage or discourage dependent behaviors? Independent behaviors?


Question 20

In your view, is access to health care a basic right? Who should pay for it? Be prepared to defend your opinions.