Science and Organizations Nutri Mondo Report

Science and Organizations Nutri Mondo Report

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Science and Organizations Nutri Mondo Report
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I’m working on a business report and need a sample draft to help me study.


To prepare for this assignment, review your Learning Resources. Then, go to the World of Data Science, visit Miami to meet the data science team at Nutri Mondo.

For the assignment, write a report to your director, Susana, about the data science team at Nutri Mondo. Think about insights you gained from the videos of data scientists and from the articles you read. Then, write 4-6 paragraphs that answer the following questions:

  • How would you define data science?
  • Why has the role of data science become so important to businesses and other organizations?
  • What factors have led to big data being available and accessible, even to smaller companies and organizations?
  • At Nutri Mondo, what is the value of the data science team’s work within the context of the organization?