Theology Of Women Essay paper

Theology Of Women


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Discussion Responses: What the Bible Says About Women in Leadership

Harmony Discussion Post

What is the “egalitarian” perspective of women in ministry? What did you find most persuasive about the egalitarian perspective? What was not so persuasive?  

The egalitarian perspective is in alignment with equal rights. Egalitarians believe that men and women are equal to each other in their roles. This perspective is the stance that men and women have equal roles. Women and men have interchangeable roles in within this context. Theology Of Women

What I find most persuasive about this role is that there is the strong point that men and women have equal authority. What is not persuasive to me is how there is no strong difference between the roles of men and women with this perspective, which doesn’t seem realistic.

What is the “complementarian” perspective of women in ministry? What did you find most persuasive about the complementarian perspective? What was not so persuasive?

Complementation believe that men and women compliment each other in their gifting and roles. This style believes that men are called to be servant leaders, and have authority in the church and the home. This perspective also means that men and women have distinct roles.Theology Of Women

What I found most persuasive about this perspective is that there seems to be balance when they both have their pros and cons of roles in the sense that they are meant to compliment each other. What is not so persuasive is how is how it could be taken that perhaps a woman should never cross that line of being in the male role when in reality circumstances could force the woman to go into a “male role” on occasion. And also there is a fine line of what is her role and what is his and it seems like there could be a lot of grey area. Theology Of Women



Patrina Discussion Post

The Role of Women in the Church

 Women’s Leadership, Wagner University

Theology of Women

June 7, 2022

What is the “egalitarian” perspective of women in ministry?

Egalitarian is defined as relating to or believing in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities. In Genesis 1:27 says, “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Which solidifies my thoughts that men and women were created in the image of God and that we (man & women) are created equal in the eyes of God.

What did you find most persuasive about the egalitarian perspective?

The persuasive arguments for the egalitarian perspective to be those based on the many examples of women in scripture. Antoinette Brown Blackwell first women to be ordained a minister of a recognized denomination in the United States.  (

What was not so persuasive?

What I found to be not persuasive about this is the realization/knowledge that this was how many of my friends’ families were “Dad was law” and mom took care of the home, as I was raised in a single family household with my mom so many situations were openly discussed and decisions were made as a family.Theology Of Women

What is the “complementarian” perspective of women in ministry?

Complementarian is a theological view in the Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, that men and women have different but complementary roles and responsibilities in marriage, family life and religious leadership. The “complementarian” perspective of women in ministry is that women and men have equal roles in the church. Women should also hold leadership and be received at equal levels as men in the church

What did you find most persuasive about the complementarian perspective?

That we are the Body of Christ. The whole Body of Christ!  Our gifts, both as a man and a woman, were created by God to work together in harmony and in relationship. I so appreciate learning about these two views, and it helps me to see and understand in the church and out of the church what the core beliefs are and why things are the way they are!  It also helps me to respect the two belief systems, not judge them and be firm in my personal/marital belief.

What was not so persuasive?

I believe that no matter what man’s opinion is regarding women in ministry leadership, God will use whomever (man or women) is willing to be that vessel that is willing to be used by God. If we have a open and pure heart it won’t be a man or women issue, it’ll be all able the kingdom.Theology Of Women



Beck, J. R. (2005). Two View on Women in Ministry. Zondervan.

Antoinette Brown Blackwell (






































Gundry, S. N. (2010). Two views on women in ministry. Zondervan Academic.