Minority Relations at Schools or In Workplace

Minority Relations at Schools or In Workplace

The project should

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Minority Relations at Schools or In Workplace
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  • communicate ways in which race and ethnicity have been socially constructed over time and across cultures
  • demonstrate how prejudice is shaped and how it can be reduced based on qualitative and quantitative sociological research
  • explain the consequences of structural racism for individuals and social institutions
  • critique current sociological theory of racial identity formation or race relations
  • apply a sociological theory of race/ethnicity to a contemporary social issue outside the United States Minority Relations at Schools or In Workplace

Project #3 requirements:

You write a paper which integrates the class materials covered in the course with your own paper topic. The paper can be thought of as a way for you to think about your own research topic while integrating issues of race and ethnicity into the overall analysis. This involves carrying out a literature review to situate your topic within the current sociological research. You might put together a theoretical paper which uses just secondary sources (journal articles, published reports etc.) as the backbone of the analysis. It is most important in this paper to integrate concepts and issues that were raised in the course into the final paper you produce. Your essay should not include long direct quotations taken from the sociological literature. Your paper highlights important racial and ethnic issues. You can choose a topic from the list below.


  • Maintenance of Ethnic or Racial identity
  • Racial Discrimination in the Workplace
  • Majority-Minority Relations at School or in the Workplace
  • Racial Stereotypes and Their Effects
  • Confronting Racism
  • Racial Integration of Schools Minority Relations at Schools or In Workplace

Content for the final paper

The following 5 headings should appear in your paper:

  • Title page: Be sure to include title, your name, the name of a class, and the submission date.
  • Introduction: Introduce your topic by talking about its importance in the world today and to the United States. This part should include the purposes or objectives of the paper. Explain briefly the major questions you plan to cover in your paper. What specific issue or question will your work address?
  • Body (create several subtitles instead of using body): This part can be broken down in several sections including review of related literature (academic journal articles and books), analysis, results, and discussion. You can create several subtitles depending on how you organize the paper in this section.
  • Conclusion: Summarize your main points, re-emphasize the importance of these issues for the United States and globally.
  • References: List all sources used in carrying out the research.

Minority Relations at Schools or In Workplace